“A Good Man!” When Sentencing Enhancements Add 45 Years
Cory is doing 45 years in a Florida state prison for a crime that he was found not guilty of. Let me explain, Cory was arrested (while on probation for a drug charge) for armed robbery. He took the charge to trial because he stated he was innocent and that this was a trumped up charge. He was found not guilty of the armed robbery, but guilty of violating his probation and a convicted felon with a gun (by the way the gun was a partial gun, that Cory claims the police officer found and it did not belong to him).
The time does not fit the crime in this case. Cory has done his 15 years for his drug charge and conviction, now he has to serve another 30 years for a trumped up gun charge. There was absolutely no evidence the gun that just happened to be located by the officer. The jury found him not guilty of the robbery but he was still convicted on the gun. The violation of his probation had nothing to do with his robbery charge but he was not represented by the correct lawyer hence why he received 30 years for a gun.